The Mind Body and Soul Coach Kathy Yvanovich welcomes you

Reiki Treatments in person, Distance Reiki with Zoom/phone/letter,

Spirit Attachment Release, Family Reiki Days,

what to expect from a Reiki treatment,

Reiki Shares, Reiki Talks, Reiki for your home, Reiki testimonials

Reiki Treatment sessions

In-person or Distance
1 hour


Relax, balance, self-heal... Allow up to 70 minutes for your appointment. I'm at London SE24 9PPor on the French Riviera near Cannes. For other locations, please enquire.
or email/phone me and pay with Paypal link below later.
4 sessions, in-person 1 hour

in 1 month.  £200.

Absorb Reiki every week to raise your energy, recover from a set-back, or gift a friend. Benefit in mind, body and soul with regular Reiki. At London SE24 9PP, or the French Riviera, or Zoom online. 

Call me. Other locations, please ask.

In-person or Zoom
90 minutes


Extended session includes personalised guided meditation, yoga nidra, a Holy Fire Experience, or Heal a Spirit Attachment if you’re feeling spooked (more about this below).  Plenty of time to discuss what's needed and feedback afterwards.  Just for yourself or why not organise a small group.  Contact me   location details 

If you'd like me to visit your address, let's discuss this.

3 Distance Reiki sessions

via Zoom/WhatsApp video/phone/letter.  £150

1-hour Reiki sessions in real time. Settle down comfortably wherever you are, turn off all distractions, light a candle, play soothing background soundscape/music. 

Email/phone me and let's put some Distance Reiki dates to look forward to in the diary.   

10 sessions £500
Holy Fire Experiences (reiki guided meditation) + hands-on Reiki after

  1. Your 1st session is a Reiki hands-on session (1 hour)
  2. Holy Love I Experience: divine love is installed more clearly and deeply into one's soul.  Divine love is more highly refined and has a higher
    level of consciousness than human love: a feeling of being loved by a kind and wonderful energy, being cared for, feeling safe, enhancement of your own ability to love for yourself and others, a loving energy without having to have someone or something as its focus.  Soothes, relaxes, nurtures and heals very deeply.  Followed by hands-on/off reiki.
  3. Holy Love II Experience: scans your timeline in this life to find the most important experience that needs healing to improve your health and well-being. This could be physical, emotional or psychological.  It then works with the aspects of your personality and the energies involved to heal the issue.
  4. Ocean of Holy Love Experience: the Ocean of Holy Love is an ocean of liquid light that contains many colours and frequencies which provide healing for a wide range of conditions and issues. Very soothing, feels wonderful, empowers and protects. As with all these guided meditation experiences, some people have visual experiences or feel the energy flowing within, and for some the experience will take place mostly in the unconscious parts of the mind while they remain in a state of calm and peace.  
  5. Holy Love III Experience: takes you back to the time of conceptioin, gestation, birth and post-birth, healing everything needing healing from that time of conception to post-birth, including things that were going on between and with your parents, ancestral issues, experience in the womb, and birth trauma.  You might be aware of what has happened or not know, but be aware that something meaningful has healed.
  6. Holy Love IV Experience: this will evaluate when you are at and provide the type of energy and experience that is appropriate to heal or to take to the next level of your development on your spiritual path.  It works deeply within the subconscious mind, below your level of awareness thus you might not be aware of the full effect until hours or days after the experience is over.
  7. Heavenly Banquet Hall Experience: the Heavenly Banquet Hall exists in the third heaven and is a place of spiritual nourishment.  
  8. Holy Fire Healing Experience: for a specific issue or empower a goal, this is deeply healing with higher frequencies more powerful and effective than those in a regular reiki session. Removes negative energies in the physical body, aura and chakras, and work to help release any blocks you choose.  Empower a goal, removing negative attitudes and negative feelings that have been blocking the goal. Allow an extra 15' for this session.
  9. Reiki hands-on session
  10. Reiki hands-on session

Family Reiki Day

Invite your family including children ages 7+ for a day of reiki treatments, group reiki meditations and Level I Attunement for those that want to have reiki “magic hands” for life.
£200 to secure your Family Reiki Day, plus £100 to pay on the day.
Get in touch!

What happens in a Reiki treatment?

Reiki treatments can take place anywhere, preferably quiet and undisturbed.  Recipients remain fully clothed. 
Sit back or lie down, take a sip of water, be open to receive divine guidance and be ready to deeply relax, let go of what no longer serves you, and allow omnipotent, omnipresent divine energies to work their magic.

You might feel...
deep calm and inner peace, coolness or heat, self-love; you might think at superfast speed, achieve clarity or an absence of thought; realise forgiveness, feel connected to earth and all living things; pains might vanish, problems and ego diminish, swelling reduce; see visions, unleash imagination and creativity; you may laugh, cry, feel electrical impulses, fall deeply asleep... 1 minute of Reiki sleep is the equivalent of deepest restorative sleep.  I'll gently awaken you if you do fall asleep! 
Later, after a few minutes, tell me how you feel after your reiki session. 
Drink some water to stay hydrated as reiki works longer that way. 
Reiki carries on working after your treatment.  You're welcome to let me know how you are a day or two later as well - happy to help!

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a hands-on or hands-off healing technique which channels life force energy/ki/chi/prana, to you. In person or online or Distance reiki (see below).  Typically an hour but can be shorter or longer. Sessions take place fully clothed; just sit or lie down and be open to receive higher energies. Reiki means universal life force energy therefore is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent; and always works for your highest good.

Usui/Holy Fire III World Peace Reiki
With the latest upgrades of contemporary reiki, you receive high energies direct from Source - straight to you rather than through me. Reiki has evolved over the decades and now works faster, both in person and remotely (see Distance Reiki below). 
I also invite Angels and Archangels from the highest heavens to assist as appropriate.     
If you’re interested in becoming attuned to reiki or upgrading your reiki to include Holy Fire World Peace version, select from the drop-down Menu or Reiki Courses pages.

Distance Reiki
"Distance" meaning space and time.
Your home/workplace/environment can receive Distance Reiki, improving and raising its energy and vibes to benefit all.  
With Reiki, all time, space and place are within its divine reach.
I’ll send you Distance Reiki for you to receive at a time of your choice, anywhere in the world; or to a friend in need, a future event; or a past traumatic time, resulting in easing in the present time.
Paypal buttons above for 1 Reiki treatment.  (In-person visits to your home/hospital etc. might be possible with additional travel costs.)

Feeling scared or spooked?
Book a
Healing Spirit Attachment Release

Boo!!  It's scary and uncomfortable to feel as if there's something not quite right about yourself, feeling not really "you"... but we can clear you of low, malevolent energies and balance your chakras.

Healing Spirit Attachment Release, 90 minute session, in person or online

I have helped many people get over scary attachments.

Do you hear voices or see things that others don't, or feel a presence not your own?  Or do you feel as if under a bad spell?  

After an initial consultation, we'll ascertain if I need to visit you or you visit me (depending on whether your home is spooked as well).  All you need to do is lie down, eyes closed, for about 30-40 minutes, then review the situation.  There's no harm to you during or afterwards as Reiki never harms and always works for a person's highest good.  You might be aware of sensations in your body, even of something fading/diminishing.  The unhealthy spirit will be taken to a place where is cannot harm anyone, and will be given the opportunity to heal itself. The part of you that allowed the spirit attachment to take place will also be healed thus preventing another unhealthy spirit from taking the place of the one that was released.   If I'm at your home, I'll send Reiki to your whole home (add an extra hour Reiki for this).

Once upon a time, about 8 years ago, a sad and lost spirit of an English Queen attached itself to my being (after visiting a stately home).  I couldn't sleep, she was constantly on my mind and it was like having a bad itch I couldn't scratch; it affected every waking hour and my dreams.  This spirit chose me to attach to when I visited Kensington Palace, London, as a tourist, with my daughter.  It was constantly uncomfortable and scary and felt out of me control.  This spirit chose me to release her to the Light.  

Every illness, condition or malady has a 2nd heaven spirit whose purpose is to complicate the situation and make it difficult to heal or release an illness, condition or malady. Some 2nd heaven spirits need to be released from a person; they are not guides but are spirits holding you back or taking advantage of you in some way; they usually connect to a person through parts that are out of balance or need healing. Usui Holy Fire Reiki guidance comes directly from the 3rd heaven, making it pure and of a much higher quality, bringing with it a greater potential for development.  
This Queen's spirit had been haunting the Palace for many years, and I am relieved to say that she has joined her family in heaven, I am clear of her spirit, and am delighted and privileged to be able to offer Healing Spirit Attachment Release to people (in-person only).

book an in-person 90-minute session.   £85.  

Reiki Shares

If you're attuned to Reiki, any level, any style, you're welcome at these Reiki Shares at my house.  We usually start with tea, Hello's and healthy snacks, then a Guided Reiki Meditation and Reiki Holy Fire Experience.   These Reiki Shares are relaxed (of course!), informal, supportive and positive and a great way to receive and practice your Reiki, hear other people's reiki stories and experiences, ask questions and receive answers if appropriate, and go back home on a high!  

£10 Paypal below, or cash/bank transfer in person.  
SUNDAY 30 July 2024


Please bring a healthy snack to share; a notebook for your Reiki experiences, visions and ideas.  Reiki encourages self-healing of the mind, body, emotions, spirit and soul. You'll receive Reiki directly from Source... undiluted, natural, divine, kind, powerful, all-knowing, and available for all who wish to receive it.  Just be open to receive!

Reiki Your Home 

What’s the vibe like in your home?  Is there a negative, oppressive energy, creepy corners, maybe things move or get lost frequently or there’s something unexplainably spooky…

I have cleared many spaces of low, uncomfortable, negative energies at people’s homes.  Does your home need an energy uplift?  Contact me and let’s arrange a Clearing session for a happier environment and more comfortable home.

Contact me for visits in south and central London and Surrey, or beyond (extra travel costs apply).
approximately 2 hours for homes up to 4 bedrooms, £220.  (bigger homes, ask me for a quote)

Reiki Talks

Would you like me to host a Reiki Talk?   
Reiki Talks are for anyone that's interested in Reiki, developing their spirituality, or curious about energy healing.  
These are relaxed, casual gatherings (numbers vary according to space) at my house in London and other locations - perhaps yours?We start with tea, Hello's and introductions, a Yoga Nidra meditation with Reiki, followed by a deep Holy Fire Reiki Experience (guided meditation).  
One of the great benefits of these Shares is talking to other Reiki people and hearing their inspiring stories as well as having your Reiki questions answered.  
If you are interested in hosting a Reiki Talk, please contact me.  
Suggested cost is £10 per attendee or approx.£75 if I'm visiting your location (charges apply for distant travel beyond south London). 


" I saw people... and a white light, very bright white light."
" My work is stressful and there are times when I find myself 'running on empty', through Reiki. Its been amazingly therapeutic, helping me to think more clearly."  Olivia

" Kathy held such a beautiful space with an angelic & loving presence."  Anna Stubbs

" I have been sleeping considerably better since our session and feeling much safer at home. Thanks so much for your work."  Serona

Maddie has had about 60 Reiki sessions with me and says,  " Kathy is always very professional and ensures I am very comfortable during the Reiki sessions.  I broke my ankle and Kathy focused on this and I believe helped my recovery.  Emotionally, my spirit has been lifted and I have felt more peace and positivity afterwards.  I also feel energised afterwards.  I was new to Reiki when I met Kathy and a little skeptical as to the benefits.  I reached an understanding of the practice independently through her guidance and look forward to the Reiki sessions. "

" I would highly recommend Kathy to anyone who would like help in their life for any issue big or small, or for anyone who just wants a boost to feel even better! Kathy is the best therapist I have ever known, a bright shining light and a friend to rely on."   Jon Cheng

" Kathy was so warm and welcoming I immediately felt at ease. It was my first time having reiki and she spent some time explaining the experience so I knew what to expect. Since my session with Kathy my anxiety has dramatically reduced! Thank you - I will definitely be back."  Sedona Ferguson

" I had my first reiki session with Kathy and I loved it and it helped me lots. She was very knowledgeable, we talked all things energy and spirituality, her space is very powerful and welcoming."  Lucia Garcia

" I first met Kathy at her Zumba classes and was immediately struck by her smile. It made me think I want what she’s got!! I decided then to embark on some one to one sessions as I felt I needed some extra support in order to tackle some ongoing issues. My work is stressful and there are times when I find myself 'running on empty'; through Reiki, its been amazingly therapeutic, helping me to think more clearly. Sometimes we’ve spent sessions on planning and implementing strategies for helping me order my life, as there are occasions when I can be overwhelmed. I can always tell when I’ve just had a session as my approach is calmer and more productive. Perhaps the most surprising thing is that coming from a scientific background I was initially fairly sceptical. However I can highly recommend Kathy to anyone who wants a tailor-made programme to support them at different times. Thank you, Kathy. Yours, Olivia. "

" I have seen Ms Kathy Yvanovich for a treatment of a cyst to my wrist; it was a large lump. I went to hospital and they asked me to do an operation but it was delicate so I tried Reiki for the first time and Kathy did Reiki one evening for 45 minutes and surprisingly next day my lump (cyst) has disappeared!!! I was so, so pleased. Thank you Reiki Ms K Yvanovich."  Robert Benyayer

there are also testimonials on Google   and