What can I expect from personal training with the mind, body and soul coach Kathy Yvanovich?
What to expect in a typical Personal Training session with London's original mind, body and soul coach Kathy Yvanovich.
Ten things wellbeing coaching can help you with today.
Ten things wellbeing coaching can help you with today - don't let anxiety, bad habits or body issues hold you back in life!
You are what you eat! Using diet to create a better mind, body and soul you.
You are what you eat - tips on how diet can create a better you, by feeding your mind, body and soul.
Earthing, being Grounded
We are electrical beings. I recommend walking barefoot on grass or soil or the beach… but it’s not always convenient on a daily basis. Here’s a solution: get a grounding sheet or mat.
produces these and more and you can watch videos, films and interviews from their website.
Being earthed daily (or nightly with a grounding sheet or blanket) reduces pain, swelling, blood pressure, promotes good sleep and improves energy.